
By NFTTunz | Money and Music | 5 Apr 2019

It's taken me 3 months of training to get to this distance and level of fitness.
Determination is the key and a hunger to just achieve something new, keeps me going.

The main reason for me starting this running journey was to ease the pain from my mental health issues.
Running is amazing head medication, and I strongly suggest that you try it if you're struggling.

Please talk to someone if you're finding things hard to cope with, you'll be amazed at how cathartic it is.

Much love!




@d-vine You're an inspiration to many, keep being you, because you're amazing.</center>

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Money and Music
Money and Music

"Welcome to our blog about the relationship between money and music! Join us as we explore the ways in which finance and music intersect, from the business side of the industry to the creative side of artistry. The use of blockchain and cryptocurrency in the music world is powerful and we'll delve into the many ways in which money impacts the creation, distribution, and consumption of music. Whether you're an artist looking to make a living from your craft or passive income, you'll find it here.

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