Original Music by Darren Claxton - Early Morning Light

By NFTTunz | Money and Music | 13 Aug 2019

Here's a few shots taken recently with my Huawei P20 Smartphone. 


Early Morning Light

  Early Morning LightClick on the picture to listen!


Good morning,afternoon or evening world!This is one of my favourite songs that I've had the pleasure of creating!


A long time now to know
Wasted all my highs and lows
Pulled apart my head and it shows
Save me now, or go

Poles apart, unkind
Far beyond, my mind
Studied hard to find
Close the door you crossed the line
Where are you now? far behind

Early Morning lights, divine, I know
Safely locked inside, for now, it shows
Think of sometime, when you felt, alone
What you're feeling now
Is just slow Mo, slow mo.

I survived and the battle ends
Soul is safe, caressed
Full of heart, depends
Change your life start again
Win the fight, the battle ends

Early Morning lights, divine, I know
Safely locked inside, for now, it shows
Think of sometime, when you felt, alone
What you're feeling now
Is just slow Mo, slow mo.

Slow motion
Slow motion


And here's a live version. 

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Click on the picture below to hear more of my songs!



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