~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ᒃ♪♬⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋♬♪ᒃ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RollerCoin has recently announced a new art contest and it's only for a short period of time (September 8 to 14). Roller-Artists or aspiring artists (>‿-) come join me and other Rollers and submit your drawings while there's still time~
Here are a few things to do so you can join this event:
- Must be a member of their Discord server
- Head over to the announcements channel to get detailed instructions on how to be eligible for this event
- Draw clothes/accessories (pixel art style) on Hamster (you can use the provided draft of RollerCoin's hamster or draw your very own)
- Submit your drawing(s) on the art-contest channel and wait for other Rollers to like your work(s)!
- Try to avoid sending DMs to other Rollers asking for likes etc. because there are rules regarding those! Kindly read the Hamster Law once again to be aware. I encountered other users who asked for "like mine and I'll like yours" a day after the event was announced. I admit that asking others for like is both tempting and may even be rewarding BUT please refrain from doing so. The first few dms was still fine for me as they even acknowledged my reply about the Hamster Law. They even apologized (not all though). Got mote dms the next day and it was starting to get irritating haha Not only did they NOT acknowledge their mistake, they even deleted their messages containing the links for their artworks. From then on, I always took a screenshot of their first message asking for likes.
First of all, if I like or maybe even love your artwork(s), there's NO NEED to dm me! I take my time scrolling through ALL the drawings and react with a thumbs up you know and if I didn't like it, but my sister liked the drawing, I'll leave a like as well since she doesn't have a discord account. In short, all those dms are UNECESSARY! If you catch me in a bad mood, I'll send necessary screenshots and messages to the moderators. If you're lucky, you'll only be muted, and if not, then BYE~
I highly recommend joining this contest since the number of winners is NOT limited to ONE, but TEN!
The drawings ranked 1st to 5th would receive: PREMIUM EVENT PASSES
While drawings ranked 6th to 10th would receive: UPGRADED EVENT PASSES
Ranking 10th is already good! But based on what I've seen, 10 ranks are not enough huhu. I wish there were consolation prizes like 20 RLTs, a new small miner or just anything haha It was my first time creating for a RollerCoin so I was hoping and aiming for the 10th place. Unfortunately for me, there are too many talented Roller-artists!
There are already numerous entries and they are adorable and creative!
Don't miss this chance, start drawing and don't forget to like your favorite Hamster drawing(s).
Hopefully we are one of the lucky winners (ˇʃƪˇ) ← this is me praying btw in case you don't understand all my emotes haha
Just to add, I still DO NOT understand why people are treating RollerCoin as an investment game/platform when it is stated in their Terms of Service that...
RollerCoin is a gaming project. RollerCoin can not be positioned as an investment platform, financial instrument or blockchain mining software.
It was designed to be a fun simulation game that anyone can enjoy. The developers are making great efforts providing new content, updates, etc and the nerve of some people to be so DEMANDING. If there are NO NEW miners, season pass etc, wait PATIENTLY, and if you CAN'T, go play other games. It's not that hard right?
I first played RollerCoin for fun but when I got to the point that I only cared about earning crypto, I started to lose interest since a Free to Play kind of player won't mine as well as other Pay to Play players. I ended up spending money and I will not be doing that anytime soon haha It's better to focus on playing for the fun of it in my opinion and if you're active enough, you'll earn in game currency that you can spend on miners~
Head on to RollerCoin's blog for more information on their past and current events → RollerCoin Official Blog
Interested in becoming a Roller like me? Come join me and other Rollers! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ RollerCoin 🡸 1000 Satoshis are waiting for you~ (It is highly advised to use a referral link since you won't have another chance to get the SAT huhu) and if you could sign up and browse through my page in Invitation.codes (lots of codes or links for promos), that would be amazing! ♥
♥♥♥And to anyone who has read this far, I hope you're having a lovely day. If not, I pray that things will only get better for you from now on. Remember that things won't stay bad forever~♥♥♥
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