
Why Optimus AI Could Be the Next Shiba Inu or Dogecoin

By _danii | danii | 2 Apr 2023

Meme Tokens have been taking the attention of crypto enthusiasts and even outsiders that have no knowledge regarding cryptocurrency since the first price pump of Dogecoin in 2017.

This is because of it’s iconic MASSIVE price pumps driven by hype and community. Teenagers became Millionaires overnight because they bought magic internet money with a dog face that is being endorsed by famous multi billionaire.

Because of this, being early on upcoming Meme Tokens could be your chance to create generational wealth!

Shiba Inu & Dogecoin have been the established players for quite a while now. And now, i introduce to you Optimus AI!

This community driven token is directly challenging Shiba Inu, and Doge’s position as the already well known and established meme tokens in the industry! But how does Optimus AI compare to the likes of Shiba and Doge? In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at how this new player on the block-chain (forgive me) might be able to compete and dare i say — overtake the 2 most popular meme tokens!


Meme tokens are usually community driven. Meaning, that the majority or all of it’s tokens are being held by the community, not a single centralized entity or organization. This way, the community are the ones doing the decision making. Whether it’s allocating funds, which projects to fund, or how to overall improve the value of the token.

Dogecoin & Shiba Inu are both community driven tokens. As they both have the majority of their tokens allocated to the community.

Optimus AI fit into this trend. As the team has burnt liquidity to ensure that there is no centralized ownership, and all taxes are being used transparently for the growth of the community.

As they have stated in their whitepaper.


Optimus have a total supply capped at 100,000,000 (one hundred million) tokens. which gives it a significant advantage againts Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

Why? Because a capped total supply allows the token to gain actual value (and vulnerable to inflation). One could say that Dogecoin’s value currently is entirely hypothetical because it doesn’t have a finite amount of tokens — there’s an unlimited amount of Dogecoin. Whilst Shiba Inu has a staggering amount just shy of 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) tokens. Making it’s token valued at only $0.00001 (1/100th of a penny!).

Optimus current token value (as of 1st April 2023) is $0.39 USD. Although valuing higher than Shiba Inu’s $SHIB token, with it’s relatively small supply capped at 100,000,00 tokens, it can only garner $39,670,901 of Market Cap. Relatively low comparing to Shiba’s $6,400,426,909 Market cap, but what this says to me is there’s still room to grow and we are still early!

Value Proposition

I’ve actually just learnt this word.

“Value Proposition”.

In other words… Uniqueness! What can Optimus AI offer that no other project can?

Dogecoin & Shiba Inu are mostly known for being community-driven. But for a long time, they can’t actually offer anything that’s of value to the community. Dogecoin & Shiba Inu were known ONLY for being community-driven tokens for a long time before they started actual projects that would benefit the community.

In other words, there was no clear use cases or technology for the 2 tokens above.

In this matter, Optimus AI has the advantage. As from the beginning, the creation of the project is planned to provide resources and support for developers working on AI and blockchain technology.

But how is Optimus AI doing this?

By creating the Optimus Venture Fund!

The Optimus Venture Fund provides a unique opportunity for developers to apply for grants and seed rounds, with the community at the center of decision-making. This allows for a more decentralized approach to funding and innovation within the Optimus community.

Optimus token holders also have the privilege to get access to profit-sharing from these investments, which will reward them for their contribution while simultaneously strengthening the longevity and utility of the Optimus token.

Their awesome twitter header


By looking at past examples of meme tokens in the likes of Shiba Inu & Dogecoin, a community driven token with a strong community with the help of a certain famous billionaire can create a unique opportunity only found in the crypto world.

With it’s low market cap, and innovation from it’s launch. Optimus AI might be the next meme token to create millionaires. Take into account though, that this low market cap also means that there’s a risk to investing into Optimus AI. Low Liquidity, Volatility, Rugpulls, and Uncertainty of the product are the known risks of investing into low market cap cryptocurrencies.

For more information, you can visit their website here.


All of this is not financial advice, im not saying you should invest your hard earned money into this project.

This is just my analysis of a crypto project.


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Crypto Enthusiast, First time writer, Student in Indonesia


Crypto enthusiast, First time writer, Student in Indonesia

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