Cryptonews Today

BNB market big market deeps today 15/03/2020

By Daniella Blog | Daniella cryptonews | 15 Mar 2020


Hello peeps,
How is your day going?
Today's is another day for crypto currency investors.
Most Binance coins are shitcoins which when invested in, makes more profit than some big boys cryptos.
For example, when you use about a hundred dollars to buy a token of about $0.02/1. Guess what it would be when the token rises to about $0.3?
Is that not great?
The market is a kind of neutral this morning but there could be a changes before the end of the day.
That's normal
Okay, let's see some of the tokens that have gone soo low today.

BNB is between 10 and 11 dollars today

Percentage loss: -8%
Highest buy order in BNB: 0.03188
Current price in USD: $0.32
The price is going up

2. RCN
Percentage loss: -2%
Highest buy order in BNB: 0.003642
Current price in USD: $0.04
It's going down

3. RLC
Percentage loss: -2%
Highest buy order in BNB: 0.02514
Current price in USD: $0.25
It's going up

4. COS
Percentage loss: -2%
Highest buy order in BNB: 0.000525
Current price: below $0.01
The price is going up

5. WRX
Percentage loss: -2%
Highest buy order in BNB: 0.09210
Current price in USD: $0.09
It's going up

Like I said earlier, the bigger the quantity, the bigger your profit.
My happiness is that all the tokens that I listed in my post yesterday has changed positively. Today's list is not an exception.
NB: There is no full assurance that any of these tokens will go bullish within the next few days.
Invest and set your sell order so that the system will sell the token(s) immediately it goes up.
Thanks for reading.
See you tomorrow.

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Daniella Blog
Daniella Blog

I'm a crypto analyst, blogger and logo designer. I assist in academic research (sciences only) and a freelancer.

Daniella cryptonews
Daniella cryptonews

A blog meant only for the latest crypto currency's market news. This blog is in collaboration with my steemit account @daniella619

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