$SMOL heating up, rare NFT sales too!

By DaniBom | danibom | 18 Feb 2021

$SMOL is a community project, launched with an airdrop to a little over 500 addresses back in September.

Owning 100 $SMOL (or providing liquidity) gives you access to the smoltidel, with many crypto OG's actively involved in the development and growth of the SMOL ecosystem.

The SMOL NFTs were launched in November, staking SMOL and/or the LP token will get you TING that can be used to redeem NFTs on the platform, with 2 special coins (NEON and COPPER) used as a booster. 

Read more about the SMOL GENESIS FARM

Just before Christmas card staking was also launched, allowing the participants to farm more TING by staking their SMOL NFT cards, with boost for the complete set and a Jingly SMOL NFT was released for free (redeemable only around Christmas).

With renewed interest in NFTs, $SMOL is setting up to deliver new products, but details of it are shared only in the smoltidel.

In the meantime sales of NFTs on Opensea are increasing, with 29 SMOL sold just yesterday at an average price of 0.17 ETH (0.49 ETH were paid for a rare WOODSY).

$SMOL price is also up over 30$ (ath was around 70$), but still only at 1.7M market cap with 400.000$ of liquidity on Uniswap



For more info:

Telegram: https://t.me/smol_tok
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmolFinance
Medium: https://medium.com/@smolfinance


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