Top 10 Cybersecurity Experts and Influencers to Follow in 2024


I am very humbled to be listed with these luminaries! Thanks ByteHide for the recognition.

Cybersecurity is not easy and every person on this list contributes in amazing ways to make our digital world more trustworthy.

List of Top 10 Experts and Influencers for 2024

  1. Jane Frankland
  2. John Strand
  3. Chuck Brooks
  4. Alexandre Blanc
  5. Naomi Buckwalter
  6. Mark Lynd
  7. Richard Stiennon
  8. Bob Fabien
  9. Dr. Mansur Hasib
  10. Matthew Rosenquist

I applaud every one of them and am proud to collaborate among this group. They are amazing examples of the tremendous cybersecurity community that is focused and vigilant to protect the global technology ecosystem!

Communication and collaboration is vital to the success of cybersecurity! These are the people that are driving innovation and practices to enhance the security, privacy, safety, and reliance of the technology that is crucial to modern society!

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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

Cybersecurity Tomorrow
Cybersecurity Tomorrow

Cybersecurity strategy perspectives for the emerging risks and opportunities of securing our digital world. The insights of today will lead to tomorrow's security, privacy, and safety foundations.

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