Is Cyber Threat Intelligence Worthless?


I was recently asked “What do intelligence reports do? They appear worthless!

I found the question both funny and ironic. Unfortunately, I had to gently deliver some uncomfortable news.

There is a fundamental difference between intelligence and the ability to apply it effectively to make better decisions. Intelligence is the distillation and organization of data that is analyzed and assessed to draw meaningful conclusions. These insights often highlight risks and opportunities, serving as a foundation for better decisions.

However, intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee action or success. It takes someone with knowledge and experience to interpret these insights within a specific context, align them with goals, and uncover actionable strategies to address potential risks or opportunities. This process enables smarter decisions and often provides a competitive edge advantage.

Simply put: “Intelligence is useless without the wisdom to meaningfully apply it.

In this case, the person dismissing threat intelligence as “worthless” failed to understand how to use it. Intelligence reports don’t necessarily dictate actions — they empower decision-makers with the information they need to act. The value lies not in the report itself, but in the expertise to leverage it.

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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

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