The toughest comeback in cyber resilience.

By Zhukov | _CyberSecurity_ | 14 Dec 2023

On cybersecurity, one cannot just put blockade and stop the criminals. The criminals will always find a way to get in. Cyber resilience also involves not only warding off threats, but a quicker recovery with new found strengths after an attack.

Cyber resilience highlights the concept of being proactive with regard to cyber security. This is because you do not speculate whether something may occur or not. Hence, efficient backup and recovery system will be an applicable solution in this regard. Important data is backed up frequently by organizations in order to recover lost information within the shortest time possible and with minimum downtime.

Hence, there is a need for on-going observation. Through real-time threat intelligence and advanced analytical techniques, organizations can spot and act quickly in response to breach activities. Early identification of threats promotes quick response before it spreads within the network.

Besides, the organizations should undertake training and awareness for employees. Human error remains the major cause of a cyber incident but highly skilled employees constitute a strong barrier against this. Organization vitality is promoted by teaching staff to detect phish, good password policy and work within cyberspace security policy.

Cyber-resilience has incidental response plan as one of its parts. Therefore, such a plan should include how to manage the case with an appropriate communication strategy in which the participants and relevant partner organizations are also outlined. The need to conduct regular test run and update the incident response plan in order to keep up with new generation of hacking technologies.

Finally, cyber resilience is a planned and holistic approach which takes into account its unavoidably nature. With proper back-up measures, constant surveillance, training of staff, as well as a well set out plan for recovery, companies will survive and even become stronger because they have learned how best to counter such attacks in future. Cyber Resiliency is a way of thinking, turning negative into positive in the ever changing realm of cyberspace.

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