My Open Application to be an Official EDC Blockchain Content writer

By Ayobami99 | Cryptostocksreviews | 8 Sep 2019

Ayobami Abiola, 

Ibadan, Nigeria. 

8th September, 2019.

EDC Marketing Officer.

Dear Sir,

Open Application to be an Official EDC Blockchain Content writer. 

Content creation and distribution need more hands on deck for a fast-growing community like EDC. 

Hello,  I am Ayobami Abiola, a content writer from Nigeria. I am writing this as an open application to be an official EDC content writer in Nigeria and worldwide. 

My Experience Pool

I am a blockchain enthusiast so I like to focus on the innovation behind projects when I write. I believe I can add great value to the EDC community worldwide. I have a notable understanding of the blockchain consensus as I have written in one of my posts which is on the news (google news):

Why Blockchain Consensus is Important - Financial Report 24. The consensus is an implementation from blockchains that dictates the security, how new coins or tokens are created, and other characteristics.

I am a contributor (writer) to

I am also a team member at The Currency Analytics, a top cryptocurrency news website: The Currency Analytics which is owned by an important advisor of EDC, Sydney Ifergan

I own CryptoStocksReviews - The Microscope For The Blockchain Ecosystem where I publish articles about blockchain startups. I have written more than seventy articles. I do my best to write top quality articles and improve on every article I write. I am also an editor on a Czech platform for Cryptocurrency education and investment. I publish articles on Steemit ( where it all began), LinkedIn, Vk, Minds, Newbium and several free publishing websites. My core is that I am passionate and enthusiastic about innovations on the blockchain that makes people go ‘wow’ whenever they encounter them and I also love to be part of ‘startups’.

I have been an active writer about happenings on EDC Blockchain, especially in Nigeria for the past three months through the private bounty. I have interviewed two important Nigerian EDC community members and a core EDC team member- Kamil Mundo. I have created innovative posts on the possibilities on EDC Blockchain many of which gained huge views like this one. I am confident I understand the workings of the EDC blockchain. 

What I can Offer

With the experience pool I possess, I can:

  • Create innovative write-ups on EDC updates, seminars and conferences. 
  • Manage content distribution on renowned free publishing websites on where EDC have no official or established presence like Steemit, Publish0x (which is a fast-growing community where write-ups can get huge visibility. It is ranked 31980th by Alexa) Vk, etc. 
  • Write reports on EDC conferences in Nigeria.
  • Be an active content writer for the popularization of EDC online in Nigeria and worldwide (It is a fact that most people spend most of their time online today).
  • Give creative and innovative ideas to the EDC team about what implementations can increase its community. 

Why EDC needs me

  • I believe I can serve a better purpose being part of a great movement for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology in Nigeria, Africa, and worldwide.
  • EDC has an increasing million members around the globe, content needs to be localized for each region for better penetration. 
  • With an increasing community, there is a need for increased content creators to better serve the community. 
  • EDC needs content distribution across the different huge platforms to gain even better visibility. Adding a new content writer will make content distribution faster and better. 

I am sure your team needs me. Check more of my cryptocurrency engagements on LinkedIn

A copy of this application will be sent to the official EDC mail via my email [email protected]. 


Yours Sincerely. 

Ayobami Abiola. 


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