"I have made 20x of my initial investment through the mining of EDC" EDC Community Member Testifies

By Ayobami99 | Cryptostocksreviews | 21 Jun 2019

As I began gathering information for my first article on EDC blockchain, I met Mr. Femi Jegede from Nigeria, an exceptional community member of EDC blockchain. He is enthusiastic and happy to answer some questions about EDC. This prompted me to ask him some questions about his passion for EDC. As I got answers from him I was convinced beyond doubt that a blockchain like EDC can be life-changing. I stated in the first article that EDC was great enough to have built a strong community of believers around itself. Let’s dive right in.

Ayobami99: Can I meet you, sir? 

Mr. Jegede: My name is Femi Jegede.

Ayobami99: What do you do for a living?

Mr. Jegede: I am a computer engineer.

Ayobami99: When, how and where did you get to know about EDC?

Mr. Jegede: I got to know about EDC in the year 2016 through a friend.

Ayobami99: What was your first thought about EDC back in 2016 when you were introduced to EDC?

Mr. Jegede: I was reluctant to invest in EDC blockchain at that time because I don’t believe that there is any online genuine business. Few months after my investment in EDC, the price nosedive but I held onto it and to the glory of God, I have made 20x of my initial investment through the mining of EDC.


Ayobami99: What motivates you about EDC?

Mr. Jegede: What really motivates is the commitment of the new management in rebranding and turnaround of the EDC blockchain. The speed of transaction is 0.25s and it can handle 100,000 transactions per sec. The development of a market place where EDC blockchain can be used as a currency. The LPOS mining system where the mining is done by master node and the reward is distributed to the coin leasers. The EDC blockchain coin constructors that provide an opportunity for a startup business.

Ayobami99: How has EDC helped you or of benefit to you?

Mr. Jegede: It has really enhanced my knowledge in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency. My monthly income has been increased by 8x with the help of LPOS mining system.

Ayobami99: What do you see when you look into the future for EDC?

Mr. Jegede: With EDC blockchain, I see a brighter and prosperous future. EDC is a long time investment project where one can make regular income for a lifetime and pass to children as an inheritance.

From EDC Advisor

One of the Advisor of EDC blockchain project, Sydney Ifergan stated on Twitter while replying to a post:


I had the privileged to have a private chat with him on telegram, he opined, “EDC blockchain is a strong product with a very strong community, we can clearly say that it has a strong adoption, over 1m of users!”


Sydney Ifergan is a cryptocurrency Guru, the CEO of The Currency Analytics a top google approved news platform. He is a known and respected figure in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


EDC blockchain is building every day. Believers all over the world are holding conferences to increase their adoption. Special thanks to Mr. Femi Jegede for the time and information. You can join him on EDC and ECROFUND.

Find out more about EDC from the links below

Website | Telegram | Twitter  

Thanks for reading I am Ayobami99 (bitcointalk).

Take all information in this article for information and education purposes, IT IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVICE.

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