Get 100+ GBs of Free Cloud Storage

By Ronnie10 | CryptoSlice | 22 Jan 2022

Hey guys,

It's been a while. As you might know I surf the web randomly and I came across this cloud storage platform which I believe is distinguished from others in terms of free space it offers.

1. The Free Space

For a free tier you get 100 GBs for signing up. The free cloud storage that I know offer you up to 10 or 15 GBs for the free tier. Which makes this up to 10 times bigger than the others.

2. Extra Space Per Ad View

For individuals, 100 GBs is most likely enough. But, if you want to expand it, you can get extra 750 MBs per video ad you watch. However, the Ads can only be viewed in the mobile version.

3. Extra Space Per Referral

Lastly, you can earn 5 GBs extra for each friend referral.

Feel free to join Degoo through my referral link: Click-Here


Let me know your thoughts on this cloud platform in the comment section below.


DisclaimerThis is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

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