Earn Crypto While Your Phone Is Idle

By Ronnie10 | CryptoSlice | 21 Apr 2023

Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I posted last time.

Today, I am bringing you a game that lets you earn crypto "$HORA coin".

Platfroms: Android /iPhone



How to play the game:

All you need to do is to update your rigs and you will earn the ingame coins (non-tradeable). You can use those coins to upgrade your electricity manager and trading manager to keep up with the upgraded equipments.

You will reach level 3 quickly in the game. Once you reach it, you will join a league and based on your ranking, you will receive $HORA coin on a weekly basis. At the end of the week, you are going to be promoted to another league which will give you a chance to win more $HORA coins.

$HORA coin:

You can withdraw your earnings to your wallets (Trust wallet is an option) and then it can be traded.

The coin is currently on Binance chain.

Extra tip:

There are some events from time to time. All you need to do is to claim the "Champion Badge" which is by upgrading your last multiplier/fan to the maximum level (you will know what I mean once you play the game).

Here is a trick to do that:

1. Upgrade your first rig whenever you get the ingame currency needed.

2. Once you reach to the last rig, upgrade it to the maximum.

3. Unlock currencies as quickly as possible.


To support my content:

Download the game from this link: https://t.co/XneyJDeJir 


DisclaimerThis is a personal opinion and I am not responsible for the outcomes of your decisions nor the comments posted below or any link in this post. This post should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not working for the above mentioned companies. Do your own research before you make your decision.

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