$50 STX Received From Blockchain Airdrop|| How to Withdraw 100 STX from Blockchian to Exchange

By Cryptobdschool | cryptonews | 20 Jan 2021

Hello all crypto lovers, I hope all are doing very well & enjoy your time. In this article, I want to share that I got to receive almost 50$ STX from a Blockchain wallet. I also want to share how you transfer your STX from the Blockchain wallet. 



Blockchain wallet users knew that there were 2 airdrops that happened in the blockchain wallet. One was XLM Airdrop. All verified wallet members got 25$ XLM & after that another airdrop was STX. Those users are claimed they all got 10$ STX in their account in the last year. But that STX balance was non-transferable. But now all users can move their STX blockchain wallet to other wallets or exchanges. 

STX listed in 

1) Binance

2) Kucoin

3) Coinex

4) CoinDCX

5) Hoo 

6) OKcoin


Watch This Video. In this video, I shared how you transfer your STX from your blockchain wallet to others. 


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A True Crypto Lover. Crypto Content Writer, Youtuber And Online Marketer. Founder Of Cryptobd School Discord Server. goo.gl/U44qym


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