Ready for the moon travel!

By cryptomaniacsgr | cryptomaniacsgr | 3 Dec 2020



What a nice view, seeing wleo live data feed on CMC and Coingecko again is great, and even greater seeing it's price rising to 0.27$ and at 0.312$ and new ATH yesterday!!
I believe that the relist on CMC and coingecko will bring many people on uniswap and along with the new releases (Twitter login, microblogging etc) huge boost on the platform, something that will impact the whole Hive ecosystem and not only leofinance. If you haven't involved with leo token and leofinance yet now it's the time, leo will probably skyrocket in price the next weeks, something good for me and the people that are already onboard but hard for those who missed the ship, so choose wisely!

Originally Posted Using LeoFinance

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