Future of Bitcoin and my coin predictions

By Pletz_kc | cryptomania & Life | 11 Jun 2019

Firstly I am not a financial advisor and these are merely my thoughts as a Crypto enthusiast – no more no less. These are merely my thoughts after reading and investigating various so called experts opinions and advises on the next big coin and the future of Bitcoin in general.
I reckon Bitcoin will remain top but will not be for day to day transaction – it will be the same as Gold is in today’s fiat economies – people will hold and invest in same due to its value – which will ultimately increase as the supply dwindles – I believe 84% is already in circulation with the remainder to be mined. My reason for coming to this conclusion is quite simple – mammoth energy consumption to operate the blockchain.
So what coin will take over from Bitcoin – from studying various articles and opinion over the last year for a coin to be successful it needs the following:
1. good development team
2. instant or near instant transaction rates
3. low/ no fees
4. low energy consumption ( when compared to BTC everything is low !)
5. scalability
6. purpose / function in existing markets or industries
7. strong partnerships/adoption with existing successful companies
The Crypto market with over 2000 altcoins are full of hype and promises every new coin claims to have the above – but ultimately to survive long term they need the above. As a yard stick – I always look to see what new coins are introduced by long time faucets of a good indication of what coins will be around for a while. For example Allcoins have recently added Stellar and Ripple – and if I was a betting man – I would wager Tron will be next.
So what coins do I invest in – bearing in mind that investing in the sense of the coins I try and accumulate through faucets etc. albeit in total I have invested less than €300 on crypto in general. They are:
• Bitcoin(BTC) will always be king – but for storage of value as opposed to day to day transactions
• Ethereum (ETH) until EOS kicks ETH off the ladder it will remain the no.1 for smart contracts
• Ripple (XRP) – the banks and financial institutions are backing Ripple and its already in the top three
• Cardano (ADA)
• TRON (TRX) – biggest networks with new dapps being developed and decent partnerships. Also when freezing your Tron using the Tron wallet – you get paid in tokens and TRX – so passive income
• Litecoin (LTC) the silver of the crypto world but could be replaced by STELLAR – another coin I invest time in
• Enjincoin (ENJ) – best gaming coin with massive market of over 20million gamers
• VeChain
• Binance Coin (BNB) I was planning on purchasing some at $5 a coin – and can kick myself that I did not go with my gut – its trading at $31.46 at present
• Waves – once again Lease your waves and get passive income in waves and tokens – small amount at present but will increase with time
Then my wildcard coins DASCOIN now called Greenpower – and yes the internet is awash with videos and articles calling this a MLM company and a pyramid scam – I know and am aware of this – but I reckon with these type of schemes (if that is in fact what it is)  the secret is to get in early and get out early before the house of cards crumble to the ground.

Another one is POT Coin – purely because the Canabis industry is growing exponentially – and some investors believe buying shares in Canabis companies will be the next big thing due to it being legalized in so many countries. Electroneum (ETN) it has the potential to crack the mobile market – its recent launch in Africa looked promising – if they can pull it off the sky is the limit. 

New Projects to be on the lookout for – Bither and Energi – and I am sure you could possibly add a few hundred more. The amount of new coins and projects are proliferating at an alarming rate and one thing is for sure – no one can really predict what coin or coins are going to be the next big thing!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please let me hear your predictions.
adios - buena suerte

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