Seeing as I have a lot of time on my hands when not trying to hustle together enough fiat to pump into crypto and sustain me (and I stuffed around instead of taking my education seriously), I have decided that I should upskill by going back to basics and giving myself a proper, extensive programming course. I'm going to start with Algebra and calculus, before moving onto Electronics, Digital Logic and Computer Architecture, Assembly (NASM and 8051). Next, I will cover C/C++ (including cryptography, Qt and MFC). After that, I'll address Python (including PGP and other modules), Cython and Nim. Finally, I will cover C#, ASP .NET, ECMAScript (ES) 6, TypeScript and Vue, before moving on to Solidity and blockchain programming.
It's going to be a massive curriculum, spanning several months to a couple of years. If there's an interest, I can publish my summary notes and comment on the process.