Today, I read a post on (which, sadly, does not cite a source), claiming that only 4.2% of the world's population owns crypto. Frankly, I find that figure disturbingly low. I hope it's not true. If it is, then it indicates three things to me:
1. A lot of old, FUD-spreading and doubting dinosaurs need to die off.
2. A lot of work (in terms of both education and infrastructure) still needs to be done to bring the rest of the world up to speed and into the new technological future of the twenty-first century (and hopefully beyond).
3. There are many as-yet unharnessed/untapped opportunities for innovation in the Web 3 cryptosphere.
Global crypto ownership, according to Finder's index
It comes as no surprise to me that Asia (130 million) is leading the charge when it comes to adoption (despite China's opposition), since countries such as China and Japan are technologically-advanced powerhouses of the world, with India (the country with the largest number of crypto-HODLers) rapidly closing the gap. What does surprise me, however, is that Africa has a larger number of HODLers (53 million) than North America (51 million) and Europe (43 million). I wouldn't have expected that from a continent home to many Third World countries. Then again, crypto is a very attractive option for the unbanked and an alternative to organisations like Western Union. No doubt, all the legislating and talking out of its arse that the government of the USA has been doing is having a negative effect on Americans.
Web 3 is still in its infancy and we would all do well to find ways to help enlighten our brethren, bring them out of their ignorance and oppression by those who seek to control, misinform and restrict their financial freedom(s).
If you're one of us, get on the crypto bus.
With that, I'm off to learn some C/C++, Solidity and Rust.