Audius logo, copyright Digital Music News

Mz. Independent: Earn Crypto for Your Music

A while ago, SoundCloud changed the content of its TOU/ToS. I was not happy with them, so deleted my content and account from their platform. About a year ago, I signed up with Band Camp. However, that's not ideal for two reasons:

1. Although a lot of independent/unsigned artists are on Band Camp, it's fairly obscure and doesn't do much to promote them.
2. Band Camp uses PayPal for payments. (PayPal takes about 8% of any money that goes through it, which means I have to mark up the asking price by at least that much.)

Someone suggested to me that I use DistroKid. The problems I have with that are that it costs $100-200 just to open an account, never mind if you actually earn anything for your work. The other is that DistroKid puts your music on Spotify, which I definitely don't want.

Today, I went looking for alternatives to these, using AlternativeTo. While it suggested over one hundred (100) alternatives (some of which are applications for playing music, not hosting it), one site stood out to me: Audius. What Audius aims to do is both host independent artists' music on a blockchain and cut out all the middlemen, so that artists receive up to 90% of their work's total earnings (as opposed to 12%); the other 10% goes to keeping Audius up and going.

Now, this looks like a good idea to me: A decentralised, Web3, blockchain-based audio-hosting site that gives me 90% of my earnings, in Crypto. (I don't know if there will be additional fees for transferring/exchanging AUDIO, since it's an ERC20.)

Although Audius doesn't have an API, as far as I can tell, it does allow for integration with dApps and its own JS library, called Hedgehog. (I haven't looked at it yet, but maybe I will if I ever build a rival to CryptoVision/JungleTV.)

Right, then. It's time to create an account, upload some content and hope for the best.

Thumbnail: Audius logo, copyright Digital Music News (see resource links)

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto
Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto

The content of this blog is exclusively to do with online privacy/security, cryptography and cryptocurrency: Understanding it, investing in it, mining it (in groups/crowds), developing/programming it, the social problems it aims to solve and the various ways to make more of it (or not, as various losses and failures happen). Let's get away from banksters, Capitalists and fiat, to an unbanked anarcho-syndicalist commune. || Banner image: Blogger's own.

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