South Korean Woman ‘Stole Friend’s Crypto Stash’

South Korean Woman ‘Stole Friend’s Crypto Stash’

Good day everyone,

I hope you are all having a good day, welcome to CryptoGod-1's blog on all things crypto. In this post I will be looking at a recent news story of a woman from South Korea stealing her friends crypto to help pay off debts.



South Korean Woman ‘Stole Friend’s Crypto Stash’

A woman in her 40s was arrested by the police in South Korea for stealing her friends phone and taking the virtual currency worth approximately 700 million Korean won from it. According to reports she had met with the man in a public social networking (SNS) chat room in Jeju City. She then went on to use the persons personal information, which she had gained in advance, to transfer his digital currency to her own account. 

Following this the police began an investigation into the incident and discovered the woman in Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang Province, where she was arrested. From there the suspect confessed to the crime and her motive was to help repay her debts. Jeju is a self-governing island province in South Korea and the woman is potentially guilty of fraud and theft. Officers think that she may have violated the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes.

It is believed the woman stole the cell phone from the victim in his home in Jeju City at 11:50pm on January 7. Having already gained his personal information in advance she was then able to unlock the phone and sold around 700 million won ($481,000) worth of crypto for cash. This was then transferred to her own bank account. Shortly after it is believed she fled but once the victim filled his report the police were quick to act and discovered the suspect’s whereabouts at a hotel in Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province, on the same day.

A spokesperson said the duo had “met on a mobile chat app platform several months ago.” However, officers did not say whether the duo were romantically involved. The police spokesperson said the investigation was still ongoing and that the case had not yet been passed on to the prosecution service. Last December a South Korean court sentenced a bank employee after it was discovered he had stolen money from his employer to purchase crypto. The sentence was 15 years in jail. The month before a a branch of the South Korean high court jailed a 'theme park' crypto scammer for 12 years. In that case the fraudster told his investors he had a permit to build a multimillion-dollar park near the Demilitarized Zone and the border with North Korea.



Have a great day.

Peace. CryptoGod-1.


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