Binance Ends Argentine Soccer Association Partnership

Binance Ends Argentine Soccer Association Partnership

Good day everybody,

I hope you are all having an excellent day, welcome to CryptoGod-1's blog on all things crypto. In this post I will be looking at the news of Binance ending their partnership with the Argentine Football Association in an abrupt sense, as they claim a lack of compliance and breach of contract from the Argentine Football Association (AFA).



Binance Ends Contract with Argentine Football Association

The Argentina Division of the world famous cryptocurrency exchange Binance has decided to abruptly call-off its partnership with the Argentine Football Association (AFA) after it accused the AFA of a lack of compliance. The contract between the two had only been agreed in January of 2022, which was set out at a 5 year term. The AFA are are governing body of football in Argentina and the agreement meant that Binance would become the main sponsor for Argentina's powerhouse national soccer team and naming sponsor of its national soccer league. With Argentina having won the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the partnership seemed like a match made in heaven.

However, on Monday the 17th of July 2023 the exchange announced that the AFA failed to comply fully with “contractual obligations,” leading to the ultimate dissolution of the partnership. A spokesperson for the exchange noted:


“Binance has decided to end its partnership with the AFA. We regularly assess the results of partnerships worldwide and unfortunately, despite being provided ample time and opportunities, AFA has failed to fully perform their contractual obligations, which goes against our business values and partnership principles.”


While Binance is ending its association with the AFA, they will continue to engage with local partners, including leading universities to expand educational efforts and strategic business alliances. The end of the contract between the two parties came as a shock to many, especially with the current bearish trend of the crypto market and increased global regulatory scrutiny.



Socios Impact

The sponsorship between Binance and the AFA was a groundbreaking move when it happened back in January 2022, seen by many as one that could bridge the gap between the cryptocurrency space and the world of sports. However, the partnership was never as smooth as seemed and was entangled in controversy from the get go.

As the excitement of the contract was rife, the Argentine Soccer Association unexpectedly terminated a contract with the fan token platform Socios which began tensions and a heated debate at the time. The termination happened because the AFA preferred to sign with Binance, but this left Socios feeling betrayed and prompting them to take legal action against AFA. Even though the duo were entangled in a legal dispute, Socios remained the exclusive provider of AFA's official fan token, $ARG, until 2026. This added even more tension to the situation.

While many were shocked that Binance decided to sever ties with the AFA, the exchange had previously offered ample time and opportunities to address any issues concerning contractual obligations. However, the AFA failed to comply with these requests and this led to the ultimate dissolution of the partnership. Binance highlighted that the non-compliance conflicted with their core business values and partnership principles.




With the current state of the bear market for crypto, along with the financial and government regulations rife globally, this is a testing time for Binance. It will be interesting to see how they navigate the landscape, but it shows once again the sporting and crypto values may not be aligned in the same direction.

Have a great day.

Peace. CryptoGod-1.


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