Huobi Wallet Mascot Lucky Draws of 45,000 Ula NFTs

By Arc7icWolf | Crypto&Gaming | 28 Dec 2021

In order to celebrate the New Year, Huobi Wallet is hosting a giveaway with 45,000 free NFTs!


The NFTs are about “Ula”, the official mascot of the Wallet and they'll be awarded to users through a Lucky Draw.

The Lucky Draw will start at 10:00 A.M. (U.T.C.), December 29, and the event will last until 10:00 A.M. (U.T.C.), December 31.

The total supply of these NFTs is 45,558 and 45,000 will be awarded through the Lucky Draw, while the remaining 558 will be used for future events.

Each NFT show the mascot "Ula" with a unique design: they will be tradable on OpenSea and have a different rarity.

In total there will be:

  • 39,698 N (normal) NFTs

  • 4800 R (rare) NFTs

  • 450 SR (super rare) NFTs

  • 45 SSR (super super rare) NFTs

  • 7 UR (ultra rare) NFTs

Rules of the event:

  • Download Huobi Wallet at;
  • You’ll get 1 draw for the first time visiting the campaign page and linking your polygon address;
  • You’ll get 1 draw when your wallet contains equivalent worth of asset not less than 50 USDT;
  • Invite friends to get more draws with ease!
  • To check your Ula, please go to the assets page (Polygon chain) in Huobi Wallet.

So you get one free draw just for joining the campaign and linking your polygon address; you can also get more draws by:

  • inviting friends (+1 draw for each friend);
  • keeping 50 USDT on your Huobi Wallet (+1 draw).

To get the points from referred friends, they should hold on their wallets 50 USDT, otherwise you won't get any points from them.

If you don't know how to create/import a Polygon address on your Huobi Wallet, you can check here.

For some more Details and Conditions you can read the official post here.

Hope you find this post useful and get some luck in the draw!


If you want, you can join through my referral:



Code: 26WF99

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