Voltz Bet: Lightning Network based Prediction Market, Use SATS to Bet

By Novasky | DevPress | 6 Nov 2024

Prediction market is making a huge waves. And they seem to be bringing lot of money in it. Some money is pure gamble and some of it is pure strategy and it is kind of those markets where the SATS are helpful. Definitely worth investing into as well if you have money to burn. 

Ethereum has plenty of Prediction markets. And there are people who are making money off those. And considering how such markets can be money making earner, it’s getting trendy for the market to have such.

And there are people who are making money off such markets and they are experimenting with multiple tokens be it Solana, SATS, BTC and many other tokens have their own prediction market.

I found one named Voltz which is around the lightning network. And it would allow you to bet the SATS for the prediction market. And here the election bet is live on the web.




You can check out the Election bet through Voltz Bet.

Is this legal and fair? No. Because it’s decentralized and there are people working on this and they do make money. And prize and all we can’t say we would be trusting either. But it’s an internet app you have to risk what you can do.

Prediction markets are new trend and you can’t rely on them for the funding. You should instead consider not wasting time on them. I personally feel that SATS based apps like this would bring out some good revenue.

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