HTX Convert: Exchange for Swap Crypto with Zero Fees

By Novasky | DevPress | 2 Dec 2024

HTX is one of those exchanges which are not much talked about. Like those exchanges which has the decent fees we can think over when we want to convert the larger amount for the certain tokens. And when you want to convert for the FIAT then too we would be needing the centralized exchange. So swap exchanges you need to have low fees considering you don't bring fiat compliances into this. 

HTX recently released their open product named convert which also went live and now you cna swap and trade for zero fees. Which also means they want you to register and KYC with them. But they are being open about it's low to no fee structure under them. 

So the exchange that has started attracting the users using the zero fees and also the fees which were meant to be paid in the transactions and also the overall FIAT conversion we have to watch out with the same.

Binance is getting a better competitor and also if most of the nations are open with HTC Kyc this means it opens alternative to binance. Being chinese exchange there would be challenges though. 

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