HongKong Proposed Stablecoin Regulatory Framework

By Novasky | DevPress | 13 Dec 2024

Stablecoins are dime a dozen. A lot of frameworks are out there with the blockchain. Some stablecoins are USD pegged. Some are EU pegged and now soon there is going to be BRICS based too. So there are going to be storm of the stablecoins. And we would be struggling on the remittance level handling them. So now this would invoke the regulation for the govt around the world. 

Hongkong being the step ahead of the future would be taking on such type of the issues. And they would want to regulate and also propose the regulation framework for the stablecoins. You can read officially more here on the news

How the stablecoins would be traded and how the exchange would handle the issues and the refunds and the management of such tokens in the wallet which would be govt monitored is something that is in question too. So there are going regulation for the stablecoins and the tokens. 

Apart from that there are also HKD which is hongkong's CBDC already in the beta run and they are making use of that in the beta run for the transactions. So we are going to be seeing some really good use case for such type of the stablecoins issuance and the spending in the due process. 

How does it affect internationally issued tokens and the stablecoins? China and the hongkongs regulation would force them to act in the soil. And so this would be a direction that would be taken for the serious crypto exchange, business and the token circulation and transactional nature. 

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