Solana vs Radium

By CryptoMax1387 | Cryptocurrency_World | 22 Jan 2025

Against the background of the launch of Trump's memes, Solana showed a noticeable reversal in dominance.


It looked like a return to a growing trend, especially considering how strongly the market reacted to the hype.

But now that the emotions have subsided, the picture looks completely different.

In my opinion, this looks more like a retest of a broken uptrend and a likely continuation of the downward movement. This is a hypothesis, of course, but the chart structure, the weak reaction from the resistance level and the general decrease in interest support this idea.

At the same time, Radium demonstrates a completely different mindset. Here we see a confident upward trend both in relation to dominance and in relation to bitcoin. This strong movement, supported by steady volume growth, sets Radium apart from the more “cooled” Solana.


If we talk about how to benefit from the launch of memes, Radium looks like a more promising bet. Yes, Solana can also provide opportunities, but its current structure does not inspire the same level of confidence as Radium.

The choice is yours, but sometimes it's better to go where the market is already showing strength, rather than where it is only assumed.

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