Los Angeles on fire: another reason to think about the future

By CryptoMax1387 | Cryptocurrency_World | 10 Jan 2025

These images have now spread all over the world. Los Angeles is on fire, houses are burning to the ground. People lose everything they had, often without even warning. Here's the story of a man who just lost his dream home in Malibu. He's writing:

“We have lost our dream home. @LAFD (fire services) didn't say anything, there were no warnings, no alerts. Nothing. Everything burned down before my eyes.”

Such tragedies are not isolated. We saw the flood in Valencia, where thousands of cars were washed away, and people also lost their homes.

Nature constantly reminds us how fragile our material attachments are.

But these are not just disaster stories — they are a reason to think.

Real estate, which many consider to be an ideal store of value, is vulnerable to the forces of nature.

A fire, a flood, an earthquake — and everything that you thought was inviolable disappears in the blink of an eye.

Against this background, digital assets such as Bitcoin are starting to look different. Yes, it is immaterial, it cannot be touched, it is subject to volatility.

But it cannot be burned, drowned, or destroyed by natural disasters.

Bitcoin is a value that exists outside the material world, in a digital space that is not subject to the elements.

These events change the mindset. Yes, physical assets have been reliable in the past, but the future requires new solutions. Bitcoin is a choice.

The choice to store value where neither fire, water, nor time can destroy it.

How many more losses do we need to go through before we start looking for an alternative?

The digital space is not just a hype. This is a way to build a defense against the most unpredictable enemy — nature.

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