I came across an interview with Ron Paul the other day. If you don't know who this is, here's a quick summary: Paul is a legend of American politics.
The former Texas congressman, a doctor, ran for president three times, but most importantly, he is known for his harsh criticism of the state, the Federal Reserve System, and the entire concept of monopoly control over money.
This is a man who has been talking for many years about the collapse of the fiat system and the need for competing currencies.
So, here's what he said in the interview, and what makes us think.
Interview analysis: key findings
1. The government does not want competition
Paul argues that controlling money is the greatest power that governments have ever had. And that's why they cling to their monopoly so much.
Any alternative, be it gold, silver or bitcoin, is perceived as a threat.
2. Taxes on Bitcoin are not about money, but about power
When the government imposes taxes on bitcoin, it's not just an attempt to replenish the budget.
It's a way of saying, “We remain the masters.” In fact, this is a declaration of monopoly.
3. The dollar is in danger of collapse
Paul reminds us that the fiat system has existed only since 1971, when the world abandoned the gold standard. Since then, the dollar has become the “world currency”, but with a huge burden.
Today, against the backdrop of geopolitics and the growth of alternatives, the dollar is facing serious challenges.
4. The idea of competing currencies
Paul refers to the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek, who spoke about the need for money competition.
Let the market decide for itself which is better — dollar, bitcoin or gold. The problem is that the government simply won't let us make that choice.
5. Fiat money is a control tool
Paul emphasizes that paper money is not a value, it is a debt. And we are forced to use them, although this fundamentally contradicts the idea of free choice.
Think about the essence of the state
This interview is not just about bitcoin or taxes. It's about thinking about what role the state actually plays.
They create money out of thin air, control its movement and do not give us the opportunity to choose something else.
It's time to get out of the box and look at the world differently. The state will hold on to its power at any cost.
But interviews like Ron Paul's make you wonder if it's time to wake up and think about real freedom.
Guys, what do you think? Are you ready to wake up and look at it from the other side (out of the box 📦)?