ATOMIC WALLET: Features and How to use Wallet Android App; A step by step guide

Since the prolific growth of cryptocurrency across globe, divers system upgrade has been projected to safeguard users online activities and provide individuals with tested, trusted and self custodial secured mobile products in a simple user-friendly interface. For secured  transactions, savings and trading of cryptocurrencies, mobile apps with synonymous but diversified features like that of commercial banks are made available to ease costumers commercial activities in the cloud. Online wallets are built to perform certain functions of the commercial bank activities for users  commercial activities with cryptocurrencies there in the cloud. Among these legit and confirmed online wallets built to satisfy customers and their cryptocurrencies is Atomic Wallet. Atomic wallet is one of the none custodial cryptocurrency cloud wallets that provides users with a number functions that are worth values with over 10,000,000 supply and circulation that gives benefit to over 40,000 users.

- Atomic wallet has a simple interface and requires no fee for registration.

- Atomic wallet offers option to have customers purchase cryptocurrency via their bank card. Although a number of wallets accept the use of bank card for currency purchase, the unique part of this feature is that Atomic wallet offers purchase option with bank card in 18 local fiat currencies.

- Atomic wallet supports over 14 blockchains with 300 plus custom tokens. Atomic wallet users can use the search icon on the mobile wallet App. To find desired token(s).

- Atomic wallet also support instant exchange of over 60 assets.

- Atomic wallet is supported by Changelly and ChangeNOW for cryptocurrency.

- Atomic wallet support staking for ten (10) PoS cryptocurrencies like AWC, NEO, ALGO, VET, TRX and lots more with conscious increase in number with time.

- Atomic wallet on-device intelligence allows storing all private keys at a users PC or mobile phone in use.

- Atomic wallet offers affiliates and bounty rewards, unique cashback program, voting for new asset listing and more offers.

- Atomic wallet is available on most system, such as Android, IOS, Window, Linux, macOS


- To start using Atomic wallet on your android phone you will have to have it installed here from your Google Play store.

Starting mobile App

- As soon as you have it installed, endeavor to open and start your registration right away. After opening the App, imputing your registration details it takes time to load available tokens while it will only take a few seconds.


- Creating your wallet right away after buffering, it displays your 12-word phrase security package. It also provide a copy-to-clipboard icon above the Start-Using-Atomic icon to ease your safe keeping of 12-word phrase and convenient creation of Atomic wallet respectively. Endeavor to paste your 12-word phrase in a safe and secured system( preferably in Google Drive or google keep note) on your mobile phone in order to have access or restore it when needed.

12-word phrase

- A click on the Start-using-Atomic opens your wallet with a list of cryptocurrency tokens and divers icons with different functions.

Wallet front page

- the setting icon on the top rights side of your wallet opens a page with other icons such as; Add token, Wallet connect, Airdrop, Change password, Fingerprint/Face ID, Private keys, Local currency, Support, About and logout  with respective functions as named.


- The function icon at the top left side enables users to access and find a number of tokens not listed on the front page of the wallet.

Left top icon

- Other icons on your Atomic App wallet includes; the wallet page where you have a list of allowed-to-display token as set


- History icon, where you have your past transitions history displayed


- Exchange icon where you send or receive required or desired token(s)


- Buy Crypto icon where you can buy cryptocurrency with your bank card

Buy crypto

- Staking icon where you can stake token of your choice.


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O. N. Justice
O. N. Justice

A student of English in University. A trilogist and lover of Art

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