Hi friends what's up...
I am now Sharing a new information about the tipestry which will attract you alot because of it's new features.
But now first of all you all have to join the tipestry and can get maximum earning from that site.
Its 100% legit and paying Website and I earned alot from this site.
- You can make your own group .
- You can invite your friends to your group.
- You will earn as much as your group will have higher community.
- Post in your group and ask your friends to post in the group.
- You will earn as much as your group remains active.
- You will earn by comments as well as posts
- But be loyal to the tipestry and never spam.
- Never make similar comments on the different posts
- Never like one person's posts consecutively. .
Make your own tokens..
- you also can make your own token in the tipestry.
- Promote your tokens.
- Promote your own groups and earn maximum dogecoin cash which will have too much worth.
- At last ,thanks for your time to read my article about the tipestry.