Aave cryptocurrencies (AAVE) Analysis

Hello everybody, & congratulations to all followers who trust our analysis (AAVE) It did well as we predicted in the last article

Here   >>>   Aave Cryptocurrency (AAVE) Analysis ( 17 Jun 2024 )

As we know (AAVE) is one of the most important coins, So let's view our analysis prediction of what could happen depending on technical indicators dedications. 

(AAVE)  is trading now in the area of $ 128.47

Let's show (AAVE) targets & its efforts in making a new strong support area at $ 118.00 to continue to complete its opportunity to the grand target we mentioned in the last article. 

Observe the market when it starts going uptrend, the volume will make the difference.

Always remember  >> (support area) >> (very risky) is not advisable for beginners.

Let’s update the support & resistance areas that we will mention below & never hesitate to place a stop loss, as breaking these areas leads to other down areas



As Shown

The Chart Below





Target: to exceed the area of 143.50 & fly over the areas of $ 156.80 with a volume.

Aave Cryptocurrency (AAVE), if the price of $ 118.00 is broken, it may reach lower levels


Support & Resistance:

Support: $ 118.00 - $ 90.00 - $ 76.00 >>> ( very strong area )

Resistance: $ 140.90 - $ 153.50 - $ 185.00



Finally, remember to Trade wisely as we advise buyers & traders to follow the nearest support areas.



The result depends on our Vision which could be right or wrong

 We analyze the past to predict the future.

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Ayman Crypto
Ayman Crypto

Cryptocurrency Analyst

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CryptoCurrencies Analyst

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