Boy versus DeFi

Is It Time To Front Run DeFi 🤔

By Myxoplixx | CryptoCurious | 11 Nov 2024

boy versus DeFi

The short answer, yes. The retail investors of the world don't make the rules. We are subject to them. So, when changing rules present an opportunity, I say take advantage. Unless you were under a rock, or just happen to have been born last night, then you know that Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the crypto ring with World Liberty Financial (WLFI). This move, which came just weeks before the election, raised eyebrows and set off alarm bells among both ethics watchdogs and financial regulators. Trump's sudden embrace of crypto, a stark reversal from his previous stance, coincided suspiciously with promises of a more lenient regulatory environment for digital assets. That's truly is like watching a fox design the henhouse security system.

The WLFI venture, shrouded in secrecy and controversy, boasts a rogues' gallery of questionable characters. At the forefront is Chase Herro, a self-proclaimed "dirtbag of the internet" with a history of shilling dubious products and a criminal record to boot. In the world of legitimate DeFi projects, his presence should be a death knell. Herro's involvement is like giving a loaded gun to a toddler and hoping for the best. It is well documented that Trump has a penchant for surroundings himself with less scrupulous characters and exploiting legal loopholes. His numerous bankruptcy filings to tax maneuvers have long puzzled and frustrated regulators.

Look, I'm no Trump apologist, but he's just doing the quiet things, rich people do, out loud. Anyway, now it appears he's set his sights on the wild wild west of crypto. People are saying Trump's not creating a DeFi platform, rather, he's building a loophole factory. The timing of WLFI's launch, mere weeks before the election, has not gone unnoticed. Critics argue that Trump is laying the groundwork for a massive conflict of interest, potentially using the presidency to shape regulations that would directly benefit his new crypto venture. It's a level of self-dealing that would make the dog guarding the bone shop blush.


Meanwhile, legitimate players in the DeFi space are watching with a mix of horror and fascination. Serious DeFi projects spend years building credibility and trust. Trump's venture is speedrunning in the opposite direction. As the crypto community grapples with this unexpected development, questions abound. Will Trump's foray into DeFi be the catalyst for a regulatory crackdown? Doubtful. Or, will it usher in an era of unprecedented growth and lax oversight? Probably. One thing is clear, the intersection of politics, personal business interests, and emerging financial technologies is creating a perfect storm of ethical quandaries and potential market manipulation. In crypto, we always say 'do your own research.' With WLFI, you might need to hire a private investigator.

Volatility, regardless in which arena, creates opportunity. We well know Donald Trump's less than moral character, we know his autocratic tendencies, we also know he'll prioritize self over country. He'll exploit regulatory uncertainty to benefit himself, all the while contributing to that uncertainty. So, considering Trump's involvement with the DeFi space, should you front run the DeFi narrative, not yeah..., but 🤬 yeah. As this story continues to unfold, one can't help but wonder if this is the dawn of a new era in decentralized finance, or the beginning of its undoing? Only time..., and perhaps a few subpoenas, will tell. Cheers.

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Just a dude with not so common sense making non-financial observations 😏


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