Question influencers

Be Careful Who You Listen To

By Myxoplixx | CryptoCurious | 4 Dec 2024

Question influencers

Think of crypto influencers as being like popular voices in the cryptocurrency world. They share their thoughts on social media, YouTube, and other platforms, and lots of people listen to what they say. When a well-known influencer talks about a token, it can cause many people to buy or sell it, affecting its price.

Some influencers are like helpful teachers, breaking down tricky crypto concepts into lessons that beginners can understand. They might also introduce people to new crypto projects, which can help those projects succeed or fail, depending on what the influencer says about them.


But just like you wouldn't believe everything you see on T.V., you need to be careful about which crypto influencers you trust. Good influencers are like knowledgeable teachers who use facts and research to explain things clearly. They'll help you understand both the good and bad sides of an investment, rather than just telling you what to buy. When they look at new crypto projects, they carefully check all the details and encourage you to think critically and ask questions.

Watch out for influencers who promise quick riches or hide their connections to the projects they promote. Instead of following just one person's advice, look at different trusted sources and always do your own research. Remember, even if someone has millions of followers, it doesn't automatically mean they know what they're talking about. It's just bad advice going to a lot of people.

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Just a dude with not so common sense making non-financial observations 😏


Insight into the cryptoverse, just better than them other jokers 😏

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