CoinMarketCap Quiz Aurox

CoinMarketCap Earn - Quiz Answers for Aurox

By GravMan | cryptocraic | 28 Oct 2021



If you're not already aware, CoinMarketCap occasionally give you the option to earn free crypto by watching a few videos and answering some questions. They've just launched their new quiz, Aurox.

Aurox claims to be "the first trading platform in the world designed to help make trading, investing, and lending cryptocurrencies simple for beginners."

You need a CoinMarketCap account and a Binance account. If you don't have one, sign up free here for CoinMarketCap  and here for Binance.

You'll find the videos and the quiz here. Simply watch the vids and answer the questions in the quiz correctly. Not everyone is guaranteed to win, so be fast.

Successful users will receive Aurox (URUS) tokens worth $10 as well as 50 CMC Diamonds as a reward. The Aurox "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from 2021.10.26 (12:00 PM UTC) to 2021.11.24 (23:59:59 PM UTC).


Correct answers below.


1: What is Aurox terminal?

A: A beginner-friendly crypto trading terminal


2: Why is Aurox terminal different from other cryptocurrency platforms?

A: All of the above


3: On Aurox terminal, you can instantly access:

A: All of the above


4: With Aurox, you can…

A: All of the above


5: On Aurox Trade you can…

A: Use one simple form to trade from dozens of DEX and CEX exchanges


6: What leverage size can Aurox Lend provide to Aurox Traders?

A: 4X


7: How much APY can Aurox Token (URUS) earn by staking?

A: More than 20%



P.S. If you're looking for more free crypto.... Check out how you can earn a dollar a day just by clicking a button right here.



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