FREE SPOTIFY and even more

By Kentcoin | Crypto tips and news | 1 Sep 2021

Hey guys, good news, nobody is buying any mp3's or cd's dvd's anymore. Thanks to Spotify its all in the playlist now as much as you want for free. I mean literally free. When you pay your Spotify monthly subscription fee with the visa card, it reimburses your Spotify monthly charge. So it becomes free. is another crypto exchange and has the wallet uses its own CRO token and offers different levels of VISA cards. Good thing all level cards have the spotify reimbursement, if you go to the higher level cards , there is also free Netflix and Amazon Prime even discount on Expedia :-0 , :-)) When you sign up with a referral code you also get free $25 ! and so the code is 9pzkntp3jf


So here we go again, go to and get $25 and free Spotify or even Netflix, Amazon Prime and even benefits on Expedia as well as good cash/crypto back up to 8% on your other charges/expenses. 


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