Tesla the world most leading motors industry

How TESLA Motors listed at the top of CMC ranked #0 with the highest price of $37990.00?

People must be wondered how Tesla motors has listed at the top of CoinMarketCap with the price of $37990.00 suddenly while it ranked #0, is thats means Tesla become the best of CMC?


The answer is that, currently CoinMarketCap theyu have a new feature of promoting the trending assets which have bring the positively impact on cryptocurrencies such as Tesla yesterday has make the bull run on bitcoin after they have purchased $1.5 billion in bitcoin. The price of bitcoin on when Tesla was purchasing BTC, it was $37990, and thats why in CMC they have mentioned that $37990 as the Tesla asset price, but the fact is that that was the previously price of bitcoin before the tesla make a purchase.

But actually Tesla has ranked #10 while bitcoin ranked #9 in companiesmarketcap.com while Tesla has the marketcap of $815.35 Billions and bitcoin having the market cap of $864.17 billion.


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Crypto the best place to invest but not to earn

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