Double your Bitcoins, Forget about it …

By TigerTn | Crypto Talk | 13 May 2019

With the ever-increasing number of people interested in cryptocurrency and especially Bitcoin, many scammers are launching sites promising to double your bitcoins generally in 24 hours.

Everything is simple, all you need is to give your bitcoin address, make a deposit and wait 24 hours. 


A lot of people, especially those having small amounts they earned with pain using Faucets, see it as a golden opportunity, since one can multiply his Satoshis by 1024 in just 10 days and say Good Bye to resolving Captchas. Really interesting. You can Double your BTCs to the Moon. But I think it is not realistic and experience demonstrated that many, if not ALL, of those sites are SCAM.

After working for some days, may be some weeks, you will not be able to access the site. Scammers are gone with hundreds or thousands of Bitcoins collected from unaware dreamers.

One of those sites is :

My advice to all of you : BEWARE OF BITCOIN DOUBLERS.

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