9500 BAN (give or take) + Expected 3500 ROY up for grabs this Sunday — tips on how to get the most even if you’ve never played this game :)

Every once in a while there is a Coin of the Week tournament, which essentially means Crypto Royale players compete for a coin other than ROY. A couple of weeks ago it was COINK, and this Sunday it will be BAN

The prize pool is split among all players (last position earning the least), the total prize pool will be worth (give or take):

  • 100USD BAN = 9500 BAN
  • 50 ROY Per player =
  • estimated players = 70 = 3500 ROY / 11 USD
  • These are ballpark estimations

If you’ve never played and you're participating to cash in any amount you’ll easily be able to earn from this, but here are some quick tips to improve your chances of cashing in higher :)

  • Remember the colours — this is key, there will be a lot of new players you can beat simply based on them not knowing the colours (Blue beats Red, Red Beats Green, Green beats Blue). Play on the desktop rather than mobile — you’ll find it easier and instantly have an advantage over some players. You’ll have far better control with a mouse vs a thumb.
  • When your round loads DO NOT engage in the battle. Collect boxes and build up your HP. All you need to cash in during these tournaments is 1 point. Let the other players fight it out, engage when there are only two or three players. That one point is gained by finishing 5th in a round 😊 it’s very easy — you just don’t need to play to get that spot
  • While you’re playing you’ll see white boxes, they contain ROY — they added up Kills = points, people always end up leaving fellow players stranded on minimum HP — they over extend themselves and have to retreat — this is how cheap yet valuable kills are accumulated — take the cheeky kills!
  • Do NOT BOOST around — this is your certain way of dying, the bigger your HP the longer you’ll last, the more points you gain per round and the more BAN you’ll earn 

    Tournament: Sunday 5th 17:00 CET (a race — first to reach XYZ points wins, but don’t worry about that)

Read a detailed post about Tournament Essentials & key Tips for newcomers here

Good Luck

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Crypto Royale Gaming (unofficial)
Crypto Royale Gaming (unofficial)


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