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People went crazy about $PEPE coin - Why?

By Eki | Eki's PORTFOLIO 2025. | 7 Jan 2025

As I promised myself I established new (old) exchange, my lovely Binance - because nobody from p0x community did not helped me find another one 😂


(Btw, y'all can join and get some benefits)

Anyway, when I entered after a longer pause, I found an waiting reward about 70$ in $BNB which made me really happy, but I instantly used that balance for my new portfolio...

I checked blogging section and what I saw is incredible... Everyone was talking about $PEPE - some meme coin that's "supposed" to be next $DOGE or $SHIBA - so I bought some just in case.


If someone know more about this PEPE thing, or have some other super risky coins that could bring serious profit - feel free to start the conversation in comments 💪


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Hi, I'm Eki, an Life Scientist and Modern Advanced Philosopher, unofficial philanthropic business modeling author and creator of Profiteros Club - my Intelligent Partner Program pocus... I'll do random experimentations here mostly about AI and Blockchain.

Eki's PORTFOLIO 2025.
Eki's PORTFOLIO 2025.

Once in the past, I wanted to trade and own some crypto assets, so I bought about 60$ worth of crypto, and started managing it to get 26000% from it - which I used for important paying and other activities related to my experimentatios. Now, after some unexplained pause, for this new year, Eki decided to get back to the market and try something huge. Help me grow my portfolio by picking recommendations in comment - or by tipping or donating so I can play more seriously. Let's bring a great trading season!

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