Moar PRE for Free

By Gamerents | Crypto Newbie Corner | 27 Mar 2021

So here I was scouring the internet for various ways to get my some of that sweet sweet free cryptocurrency I keep hearing about, and thats how I came across Presearch on a forum on reddit. This post listed it, along with various other nonworking/out dated/scam faucets that I carefully researched before trying. Naturally Presearch stuck out as an obvious choice, I mean I use other search engines who will not be named and receive nothing in return so why not one that promises me crypto in return?

I have said this before in my other posts but I am by no means an expert when it comes to cryptocurrencie, having said that whenever I come across a means of getting free crypto I enter it with a certain level of skepticism as and grown adult whose spent any amount of time being alive should. So the first thing I did was search for Presearch using ironically an outide search engine, having reached a satisfying amount of verification that it was indeed a legitimate engine and that they weren't going to steal away my precious albiet minuscule amount of cryptocurrencies or god forbid my vast amounts of cold hard debt...I mean cash. My next step of course was to return to reddit and use some randoms referral code for 25 free PRE the token distributed by Presearch as payment for your time, worth roughly on any given day anywhere from .09-.11 USD per PRE, (this of course is as of the date this was writen if you are reading this a year from now crossing my fingers here but I'm guessing probably 1 bajillion USD) so about $2.40-.50. So far we're off to a good start right?!... well maybe... this is where it's kind of a grey area for me in order to cash in on your hard earned PRE you must first reach a certain threshold to beable to withdraw, which is not unheard of from a faucet however said threshold is currently a staggering 1000 "eligible" PRE. Oh wait did I not mention that part? Thats right eligible PRE meaning that not all of what you earned is actually eligible to be withdrawn at my current amount at the time I'm writing this of 43 PRE only 22 of those are considered eligible so long story short I would first need to earn (I'm guessing) 2000 PRE first before being able to withdraw only half of what I earned meanwhile the other half is well hopefully having a nice time on a beach somewhere, because meanwhile I'll be here using their search engine plugging away for .12 PRE per search at an undisclosed and hidden as far as I can tell cap per hour/day.

On a separate note the engine itself on its overall usefulness is an adequate alternative to many other popular search engines, it is of course lacking in some areas as far as locational searches, however as far as searches for things related to cryptocurrencies I find that it offers a less intrusive experience meaning a smaller amount of ads that pop up in searches when compared to mainstream engines.

While this may have not been the most positive of advertisements for a product I do still commend Presearch for their hard work and efforts they've put into their systems and hope to see further improvements in areas needed. I will continue to use them as often as possible to show my support for the movement of cryptocurrencies in general.

Also I of course have to shamelessly plug my own referral here :

Get 25 free PRE when you sign up!


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Crypto Newbie Corner
Crypto Newbie Corner

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