CCminer & NVIDIA GPU's

By lucky13 | Crypto miner Nvidia Gpu | 20 Feb 2021

Hello people, I have a lot of experience in cryptocurrencies in the last 2 years, it has become better for me than real money.
This will be my first post on how to mine with a graphics card.

I started working on the lbry platform page and unfortunately I inadvertently lost my account so I decided to look for a way if Lbry could be mined. And luckily I found it.

Lbry currency is breaking through, lbry will become like youtube in the distant future, it is already similar because you can earn quite a lot by watching videos, reposting and so on.

Today I present to you an excellent program



-Easy download
-Easily adjustable
-connection with zpool

we'll only have to play with the bat file for a while.
lets started

Page Lbry -Lbry Platform

CC miner download-https: //

zpool-https: //

let's go
1 -sign in to the lbry platform
2-downloaded ccminer





Once you've watched the video, create a text document on the ccminer and name it as you wish.
example lbcminer.txt becomes lbcminer.bat
when you have done this then go to edit and type exactly as an example-

ccminer-x64.exe -a lbry -o stratum + tcp: // 3334 -u bJm7Jj4xgkpFheyZsksJPVQd6uQrDdhLGY -p c = LBC

paste the code from the video and it will turn out like this. run ccminer you can keep track of everything on your z pool when you insert your wallet code.

mine lbc and earn money .

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I'm here to publish information about some sites where you can make money, and life in general, I like to research and I also like cryptocurrencies, I like games of chance, but these are demonic jobs, so it's better to make money honestly.

Crypto miner Nvidia Gpu
Crypto miner Nvidia Gpu

how to mine crypto valute

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