Earn CREDIT by mining based on POS algorithm (100% profit per year) + 0.01% trading fee & 0% withdrawal fee. New blockchain for CREDIT 2.0

By Crypto_MD | Crypto _MD | 27 Jun 2020

Disclaimer: None of the above content is to be considered financial advice.
Everything written here is for informational purposes only.
Always do your own research when investing in cryptocurrencies and always invest an amount that you can afford to lose.


My full article about the project - read here



What Is a Token Swap and Why Is It Done?

A token swap, also known as token migration, is the transfer of digital tokens from one blockchain onto another blockchain.

This occurs primarily when projects use one blockchain to raise funds, such as the Ethereum network, and then want to transfer their tokens onto their own proprietary blockchain once the project’s mainnet has been launched. This was recently the case for EOS and Tron, for example.

Having said that, some blockchain projects engage in token migration if they want to switch onto a different blockchain network for other reasons. For example, the Storj network migrated from the Bitcoin blockchain onto the Ethereum network in 2017 when the Storj’s developers found that the Ethereum blockchain provided better scalability for their project.


Important information, read closely !!!

1. MiniPOS transfers to primary wallet incur a 30 day delay.

2. Hardfork and swap to new blockchain for CREDIT 2.0 will happen 1 August 2020. You don't need to do anything the swap is automatic.


Before the swap process will have started time of transfer funds from MiniPOS (mining) wallet to the Primary wallet will have decreased. Official announce coming soon!

According to the roadmap


31 July 2020

Credit Hardfork: New coin/daemon name changes from credit to terracredit symbol remains CREDIT. Lower supply, revised mining rewards and the addition of master nodes. Full specs available in updated whitepaper. Swap rate : 1000 : 1 , fixed reward of 20 CREDIT per block, 1 block per 60 seconds, 50/50 split with master nodes. 10% Superblock reward for Governance. Proposals and voting will see TerraCredit turn into a DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organisation that will only produce 1 Billion coins over the next 100 years.


 1 August 2020

Credit Hardfork: Is live and swapping to new chain will take place primarily at Terrabit and other major exchanges. There will be a short period of downtime as our partner exchanges update their nodes and the swap should be automatic across all markets, wallets etc. Coinmarketcap and Coingecko will also be updated with the new supply and distribution information.


 2 August 2020

Trading and exchange of old CREDIT will end, the old blockchain will only be used for swapping to the new chain. A new price will be established based on the ratio of exchange to the new blockchain (ie; 1000:1). All the info related to this is carefully detailed in the new whitepaper.


 4 August 2020

Terra-Wallet will not be supported on the new chain, wallet holders are advised to send their coins to any participating exchange to swap to the new chain. This is a strategic move to drive more users to either, desktop wallets, master nodes or Terrabit.


 4 August 2020

TerraCedit Hardfork Swap : Legacy CREDIT Deposit Round – 4 August 2020 to 11 August 2020 | Old CREDIT is swapped to new chain at a rate of 1,000 : 1 in favor of the new chain. Simply send your coins to any participating exchange or Terrabit and the swap is instant. Swap takes place on 11 August and no swap will be honored past that date.


!Thanx_4_Reading & Good Luck!


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Crypto _MD
Crypto _MD

Hi to all there! I'm in crypto world (airdrops, bounties, cryptocurrency related contests & projects) since January 2019... I have decided to create my own blog (with disscussing) about some interesting and perspective projects! I'm an owner Crypto related google group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/crypto_madness and I have Crypto related Facebook funpage https://www.facebook.com/Crypto.MD2020 & Medium page: https://cryptomadnes.medium.com/ Best Regards

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