So, i played Litebringer for a while now, and i am pleased with the latest updates, but games on LTC network are still far from ideal. First, while you can do the quest faster at the moment, the litecoin block is still 2:30 minutes, so the game is quite slow. Can work for a turn based strategy, but not for this kind of game.
The images are nice and the game mechanics are very interesting. In order to beat one NPC for an off-hand, i was looking at my main character, which is the paladin, using holy magic. Guess what, the off hand NPC was resistant to holy magic, so even with a 3000 power holy i cannot defeat a 2000 power NPC, but i realized that it is weak at dark magic, so a 1300 power dark magic wizards beat the cr*p out of him.
There is a system of keys, letting you to access different fights, there is also a 3 tiered level on defeating NPCs for element shards. There is a weapon upgrade, once you reach max level, resetting the weapon to level 1, but with higher starts. Now, what game did you play like this?
More than that, once you reach max level for your hero, you can upgrade it too, and all stats resets to level 1, but a bit more stronger. Crazy, this game is made to keep you playing it, and i am not even at the 25% of it after one month. I believe it will get much more difficult later, and the amount of farming is quite monotonous and not a lot of choices are available.
Also, i think that this game lacks communication, so a chat will do wonders, once it will become available. The market make you to pay or receive real LTC, but obviously, while the game is well thought, the technology needed for the game experience to be pleasant is still years away. And you got the little thing called fees, that you pay for every quest, sale or buy, even if it is very very small, they tend to accumulate if you play for longer.
The link is up, no referral needed, just some LTC to start playing. Do one character, buy the 30 days one time fee, and start playing. It is interesting, but not awesome. Good if you like to see how a game behave on LTC network.
Yours truly,
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