Farm ALICE on Binance Launchpool with 60% APY

By nervi | Crypto Journalism | 17 Mar 2021

As of March 10, we can earn ALICE tokens on Binance Launchpool. In CHR Pool, the interest rates are very high and reach 60+ percent APY. It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity if you have any outstanding tokens or money ready to invest.


The first step is to create an account on Binance (if you don't have one) and buy cryptocurrencies. You can register for the exchange from this link, this way you support me and it costs you absolutely nothing. Now we have to choose which tokens we will buy. The current %APY is the highest in the CHR Pool so you can put 100% in CHR or proportionally distribute the assets according to the %APY. Go to the Launchpool page and choose the Pool you are interested in.


As you can see, I followed the first technique. I put the vast majority of my spare funds into CHR Pool because of its %APY. Now everything happens without additional interference. ALICE tokens will be granted to us over time and we can collect them every bit or under one time all collected at the end of Launchpool.

What can we do later with the ALICE token? We can do whatever we like. We can keep it, sell it immediately on the Binance exchange or use ALICE for the purposes established in the project and it is a social game on the blockchain so it is worth waiting for more information from the management team of My Neighbor Alice.

What do you think about the new ALICE token? Will it find its place in the world of cryptocurrencies? Or do you already have some quantities of this cryptocurrency?

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