Waves Platform and Huobi Global are launching a contest, with prizes in WAVES tokens.

By Nengi147 | Crypto headline | 28 May 2019

Waves Platform and Huobi Global are launching a contest, with prizes in WAVES tokens

The rules are simple:

1. Subscribe to the Waves Announcement Channel and join official Huobi Global Group in Telegram.
2. Register in http://t.me/WavesHuobiContest_bot?start=348314209, which will check the required subscriptions and assign a unique ID for each participant.
3. Use a referral link in http://t.me/WavesHuobiContest_bot?start=348314209 to invite your friends for the participation. The more friends will join, the higher are chances to win.

On 9 June we’ll choose 20 winners, each of whom will receive 50 WAVES. The winners will receive a direct message from http://t.me/WavesHuobiContest_bot?start=348314209 with details of how to claim the prize. The reward pool will be distributed by Waves team to provided Waves wallet addresses.

Please read our Terms&Conditions and Privacy Policy before participating in Waves&Huobi Telegram Activity.

Subscribe now and get a chance to win 50 WAVES!

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