Weekly Price anlysis 9-NOVEMBER, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash.

By haidernasir | Crypto Geek | 9 Nov 2019

Is there is going to be another more than $10k for bitcoin or will these other altcoins be able to keep up with bitcoin? All cryptocurrencies are still getting investments, but still not as much as Facebook, twitter and other start-up ideas. Here is the current standing of bitcoin, ethereum, litcoin, XRP, BCH:


Bitcoin being the leader in cryptocurrencies is at $8,817.60 on 9-NOV at 19:59;59 GMT. As per whole week highest bitcoin went was $9,465 on 05-NOV at 01:59:59 GMT and lowest it went was $8,746.78 on 08-NOV at 21:59:59 GMT.
Bitcoin with its expected 24 hours high will be at $8,891.15 and expected 24 hours low will be at $8,701.46.


Ethereum is at $183.06 on 09-NOV at 20:29:59 GMT. Ethereum in the previous week, the highest it went was $193.43 on 06-NOV at 11:59:59 GMT and lowest that ethereum went was $179.76 on 03-NOV at 22:59:59 GMT.
Ethereum with its expected 24 high will be at $185.66 and 24 hours expected low will be at $181.72. Here a price chart of ethereum weekly price:


Litecoin is at $60.54 on 09-NOV at 20;45;00 GMT. Litecoin in the previous week the highest it went was $64.07 on 07-NOV at 04:59:59 GMT and lowest litecoin went was $57.52 on 03-NOV at 16:00:00 GMT.
Litecoin with it 24 hour expected high will be at $61.85 and 24 hours expected low will be at $59.28. Here a price chart of litecoin price in the previous week:


BCH is at $287.75 on 09-NOV at 20:45:00 GMT. BCH in the previous week the highest it went was $305.63 on 06-NOV at 13:59:59 GMT and lowest BCH went was $275.46 on 08-NOV at 19:59:59 GMT.
BCH with its 24 hours expected high will be at $283.26 and 24 hours expected low will be at $274.57. Here a weekly price chart of BCH:

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