Russians surrender! With equipment

By Cryptotexty | Different topics | 22 Mar 2022

The following story is by Victor Andrusiv, adviser to the minister. Source

Russians surrender! With equipment

A few days ago I wrote that there is news that finally shows the breakup of the russian army. Now I can tell about it. I wanted to show you the video, but the special services asked not to do it.

A russian soldier gave us a tank for a reward!

How it happened. For several weeks now, the National Police has been identifying phones used by russians. These are Ukrainian numbers. We regularly send SMS to these phones how to surrender and surrender equipment.

"Misha" called us a few days ago. We passed information about him to the GUR MO. He was assigned a place to approach. He approached. From the drone we became convinced that he was himself and that was not the ambush. After that, special forces detained him. It turned out that he was left alone from the tank crew, the rest fled home. He saw no point in fighting. He could not return home because the commander said he would be shot and written off as casualties. Misha said that there was almost nothing left to eat, the commandment of the troops was chaotic and practically absent. The demoralization is enormous.

What about Misha? Misha received very comfortable conditions. He will also receive $ 10 000 after the war and the opportunity to apply for citizenship. Until the end of the war, he will live in comfortable conditions with TV, telephone, kitchen, and shower.

So that "russians surrender." Also with equipment)

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