What's Next for Bitcoin after Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin "Worries" About Its Future

By CryptoJD | Crypto Enthusiast | 3 Sep 2022

With a market cap of over $370 billion, Bitcoin is the most well-known and most valuable cryptocurrency. But not everyone is bullish on Bitcoin's future. Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin recently said that he's "worried" about Bitcoin's future for two reasons.

In an interview with economics journalist Noah Smith on September 2, the Ethereum developer stated that he is "worried [about Bitcoin] for two reasons.

"He noted that he believes Bitcoin may have challenges in the long run due to its fee model. Bitcoin now distributes coins to miners as payment for network security, but because the protocol has a hard supply ceiling of 21 million coins, the network will eventually rely only on transaction fees for security. Buterin told Smith that this is a concern since Bitcoin is "failing to create the kind of fee income necessary to protect what might be a multi-trillion-dollar system."

The amount of fees Bitcoin generates for competing protocols has long been a source of debate in the cryptocurrency community. According to Crypto Fees statistics, Bitcoin averaged roughly $225,000 in fees over the last week, underperforming DeFi stalwarts like Aave and Uniswap. The most valuable revenue generator is Buterin's protocol, which generated around $2.7 million over the same time period.

Buterin expressed concern about Bitcoin because "Proof-of-Work provides far less security per dollar spent on transaction fees than Proof-of-Stake," noting that having a $5 trillion network that costs just $5 billion to attack would be problematic. Buterin also stated that Bitcoin's abandoning Proof-of-Work would be "politically impossible."

Buterin's comments are sure to ruffle some feathers in the crypto community. There are many who are deeply committed to Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm. They will likely see Buterin's comments as an attack on Bitcoin.

Others have made similar remarks to Buterin regarding the top crypto’s fee model, though as Bitcoin is scheduled to emit coins until around 2140, that issue is typically overlooked by its supporters.

Still, if fees continue to rise at the current rate, Bitcoin could eventually become unusable for small transactions, which would be a problem for the crypto if it ever hopes to see widespread adoption.

What the crypto market bull run means for the future

The past year has been an eventful one for the crypto industry. After a prolonged period of stagnation, the market suddenly came to life in 2021, with prices skyrocketing to new all-time highs.

This was a welcome development for many in the industry, myself included. After all, it's always good to see the market doing well. However, I must admit that I was also surprised that the bull run lasted as long as it did.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, the market was due for a correction sooner than it actually occurred.

As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who felt this way. In a recent interview, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin also remarked on the recent bull run, saying that he too was surprised it didn't end sooner

He admitted that he was “surprised that the crash did not happen earlier” because mania phases tend to last a period of a few months before a rapid drop. While he acknowledged that prices are down across the board in 2022, he said that crypto “finally feels meaningfully useful.” 

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's important to keep things in perspective and not get too caught up in the hype.

Of course, that's easier said than done. When prices are skyrocketing, it's hard not to get caught up in the frenzy.

But it's important to remember that, in the long run, it's the fundamentals that matter. And on that front, the crypto industry is still in a very strong position.

In the end, I think the recent correction was a healthy development. It brought some much-needed realism back to the market and will hopefully set the stage for even more growth in the future.


Disclaimer: As of this writing, my current crypto holdings include ETH and BTC, as well as other tokens like AAVEE, MATIC, SOL, and XLM, which are secure and earning.

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