A metaphor for a crypto faucet

Crypto Faucets That Are Actually Worth It

By Creech | Crypto_Creech | 7 Feb 2022

I probably don't have to explain to you why crypto is good, because you probably wouldn't be on this site or reading this blog if you thought otherwise. However, the only thing better than crypto is: FREE crypto, free crypto is great.

One of the easiest and most assessable ways to get free crypto are through websites called faucets. A crypto faucet is an app or a website that gives small amounts of cryptocurrencies as a reward for completing tasks. They’re given the name “faucets'' because the rewards are usually small, just like drops of water dripping from a water faucet. 

There are hundreds, if not thousands of faucets out there and I have personally explored many of them. Part of the reason I am writing this article is to tell you that the vast majority of these faucets are NOT worth your time. Most have major downsides such as not being able to withdraw directly to a wallet, too time consuming for the small reward, and the site or app just being of a very low quality. Today I will list a few faucets that I have used for a while and that I have deemed to actually be worth it. 


1. https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/

Final Auto Dutchy Faucet---FREE BTC,LTC etc(+34 coins)-FREE Rolls-Offers,PTC,surf,Giftcodes etc ...

Dutchycorp is a great faucet with a constant auto claim of the site crypto called DUTCHY that is redeemable for a wide variety of other coins as well as a free random crypto roll of a community chosen coin that changes every month. It also has all your other normal faucet features such as surveys and ads to watch to earn more DUTCHY. These things combined with easy and low-fee withdraw methods makes this an easy pick for one of my top faucets. 

2. https://jungletv.live/


Jungle TV is a personal favorite of mine and one the best, easy ways to earn my favorite meme coin, Banano. I have covered Banano in a previous article so I wont go too far into that here but in a nutshell, its an instant and FEELESS coin with a wonderful community and filled to the brim with healthy potassium. 

To earn of Jungle TV, you connect your Banano wallet (I recommend the Kallium mobile app) to the platform and just watch Youtube vides that others (or you) pay Banano to put in the queue. You earn a small amount of BAN for every completed watch with a modest required captcha every 20 minutes or so. Complete with a chat, it's a really fun place to hang out and earn free crypto. 

3. https://cointiply.com/

Cointiply Promotion: Earn 25% Of Your ...

Last but not least, Cointiply allows for coin rolls every hour that can be traded for Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dogecoin all with fast and easy withdrawal options. It also has every other normal faucet feature such as betting, ads to watch, and surveys to complete to earn more coins. The downside to this site is that you are not earning actual crypto until you cash out your coins, but it still seems to pay a bit higher than the average faucet site.


Crypto faucets may not make you rich anytime soon, but they are a fun and mostly passive way to earn bits of crypto risk free. I realize spending your time earning this way may not be worth it to everyone but ill reference one of my favorite movie quotes by saying:

"What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"

Thanks for reading if you got this far, I really appreciate it and I hope this helps someone on their crypto journey. Also, here are my referral links only if you are interested. The links above are just the regular links to the sites. 




All the best,

Crypto Creech

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