Russian Invasion Continues to Disrupt the World

By Toadsticker | Crypto Collector | 14 May 2022

On the day that US senators announced they would visit Ukraine other less popular news items hit the press.

India stops export of its wheat: Russia has affected the world's food supply by invading the breadbasket of Eastern Europe. Ukraine is a major producer of food that is having serious disruptions right when planting needs to take place.

Along with this there have been large increases in fertilizer prices; At least double in the US. Production will be down this year so India is taking its food security seriously and banning most exports of wheat. They will still sell to needy countries by request, but most of production will stay at home.

The other big-ish story is that Russia has cut off Finland's electric supply. This accounts for 10% of the Finnish grid. Finland is in negotiation to join NATO despite Russia's thinly veiled threats of nuclear intervention.

So if we don't start running around screaming "the sky is falling", what is the crypto collector to do?

I plan to stay the course...since I am not buying crypto but earning it slowly I will not be out anything but time if it goes to zero.

Some are getting out of the crypto world because of no confidence, while others are buying on the way down like crypto is a stock or commodity.

I think both these approaches are wrong...crypto is not a real commodity it is more of a service and do services hold value when they are disrupted?

But still it is not exactly like that so who knows where this ride will take us?

I plan to stay the course, put up prepper supplies, hang onto US junk silver coins, and continue to earn my little bits of crypto.

Watch the headlines and think worst case if you want to be prepared for anything.

As always just my $.02 or is that 0.000000000000002 Satoshi?


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Crypto collector trying to navigate a new world order.

Crypto Collector
Crypto Collector

I am into crypto for the fun and experience of exploring something that has the potential to make people rich. To me the whole crypto market is like 19th century Africa was to the British...A jolly good place for exploration and adventure!

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